Best solution is a leading coaching and training institute in Indore , founder with the goal of bridging the gap between mere talk and actual quality. We are always focused and determine to develop an environment that can prepare student for the future. It is with this basic goal and concept that the organization was started. They say that "The journey of a thousand miles start with the first step". so , on 20th July 2010 we started this never ending quest for success . A seed, which is sown , given proper environment and nurtured properly grows big and becomes a large tree one day , same is the case with the mind of a capable student , he needs this strong and health seed of knowledge planted in his mind so that he is ready to take on the world, against all the odds not with standing. We try our best to nature and give the most productive environment possible for a student to grow to hid absolute potential and there by fulfill his dream and aspirations.

The name was chosen by its founder with the core concept of being the best and nothing less. The ides as already mentioned was to bring the gap between the actual requirement and the quality produced by various institutes' across the city. We always strive to provide a systematic and practice based (mock test at regular interval and other such measures that are tried, tested and highly effective) test system.

As the name of institution suggest, aspirants and their parents always have expectations of the very best form us . We always remain the benchmark of their expectations . the success of our student in various competitive examinations like IIT-JEE, AIPMT and others are big morale - boosters to our faculty members, which gives them the energy and enthusiasm to try even harder. We leave no stone unturned, to shape the future of our student.

We as an organization firmly believe that "Right input is the mantra to get the best output". Because of these strong set of beliefs which are almost like religion to us we are growing by leaps and bounds in field of education leaving a streak behind.